UWCM has under community empowerment carried out a number of interventions to bring about change in the lives of people. This has ranged from supporting women and teenage mothers groups, adolescent girls groups, community mobilizations teams, church and community Mobilization Process (CCMP), and Community managed microfinance (CMMF). Through its interventions, a number of changes have been realized in the areas of operation. The empowerment process did not only impact UWCM target population but also the general community members among which men are reached.
a) Church and Community Mobilization Process (CCMP)
The CCMP Programme is designed to empower the Church discover its own problems and find solutions to them. This in collaboration with the community to break the traditional way of doing things. The community is not supposed to be to the recipient end rather it should be involved in controlling their destiny. Donors in partnership with Uganda Women concern Ministry are partnering with the Church to reverse the trend through church and community mobilization Process.
This includes selection of the core teams from each church that is to be taken through the training.
The churches and communities are taken through various Bible studies and training being a tool to discovering what surrounds the people (both individuals and communities), and how to utilize the local resources for development and sustainability.
These members are trained in information gathering, holistic ministry, foundation Bible studies, community description, resource mobilization, relationship building and sustainable development. At this level what is done is the envisioning of the church top leadership before training its members in the Participatory Evaluation Process to own the process.
Through this programme Churches have started putting up Nurseries to Primary schools and other areas of need from resources mobilized within communities after realizing gaps in development around their very communities.
The beneficiaries are also reached with messages of hope, care and physical support. This helps restore hope and dignity of such categories as well promoting positive living among vulnerable groups in the community.
b) Community Managed Micro Finance (CMMF)
Through the CMMF programme communities have been empowered in as far as promoting the saving culture for investment is concerned. This has been considered the sure way of breaking the cycle of poverty that affects many families in Elgon region. People have learnt the synergy in group operations/ performance in trying to fight poverty both at individual and group level. Members can easily access loans from the group which was not the case before the CMMF intervention programme. Reports from the beneficiaries show that there has been progressing increase in incomes that has helped the beneficiaries to meet the major basic needs of their families.
In some communities, savings and credit groups have improved on the welfare of the members and others being able to start income-generating activities.
c) Functional Adult Literacy
Programmes have been introduced to provide basic functional adult literacy to 1000 women in Mt. Elgon Zone. Women at the grassroots have gained the courage to come up openly to test for HIV/AIDS and declare their status.
d) Support for teenage mothers
Training of teenage mothers volunteers is conducted as to enable the trainees handle teenage mothers’ issues in their respective communities. It is worth noting that there is positive change in some of the girls’ situations where by some have gone back to school, others accepted by the parents, while others are working hard on their IGAs for self-reliance.
Child Sponsorship by Groups or Individual partners.
The programme goal is to enhance the lives of vulnerable children (Orphans and Needy children) to live a dignified life in future. Over 1000 children have accessed education support through the sponsorship scheme for the past few years. We have various child sponsorship activities that include child identification and registration, parents’ sensitization, payment of school fees, provision of scholastic materials and other personal effects, medical treatment support, child counseling and guidance, home and school visits and children’s conference among others. Sponsored children have successfully completed their training in different fields. It is hoped that they will utilize the skills to create jobs and earn a living sustainably.
Activities include:-
* Children conferences and camps conducted annually.
* Sponsorship scheme for education in school.
* Provision with scholastic materials and school uniform.
* Mobilization of Prayer and porridge children’s clubs or groups around church communities.
* Self-help groups with grants for families to run small businesses to supplement on educational needs of the children.
* Primary health care (PHC) in various villages and communities for conducive environment for children.
* OVC Goat project for nutritional supplements of children and household income.
N.B. Self-confidence and general welfare of the children has greatly improved as a result of bringing them together in the camps/conferences, prayer and porridge projects. Their love for God is evidenced in their spiritual expressions e.g. singing and praising God and testimonies shared.